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Audit logs

Audit logs provide a record of how members and guests interact with organization files and resources.

Ciara Scott avatar
Written by Ciara Scott
Updated over a week ago

Audit logs provide a record of how members and guests interact with organization files and resources.

  • See when people access and edit matters.

  • Track any changes made to team administration and settings.

  • Track any changes made to workspaces, matters, and files

  • View actions taken by specific members.

  • Track changes made to matter settings.

  • Identify and prevent misuse of any organization resources.

View audit logs

You can access the audit logs in the organization settings, in the sidebar select Audit logs. You can use the search bar in the right and corner to search for a specific event.

Audit log events

For every event in the activity log, you'll see:

  • The team member's name and email address. This could be the person that took the action, or the person the event applies to.

  • The type of event that took place.

  • Date and time the event occurred.


  • Organization User Invite

  • Removed User from organization

  • Organization Changed Role

  • Changed Organization Name


  • Created a Workspace

  • Changed Workspace Privacy

  • Removed user from Workspace

  • Workspace invite (If not in organization)

  • Workspace invite (If already in organization)

  • Changed access on Workspace for user


  • Created a matter

  • Changed matter Privacy

  • Matter invite (If not in organization)

  • Matter invite (If already in organization)

  • Removed from Matter

  • Changed access on Matter for user

File management

  • Added Documents in a Matter

  • Multiple documents added in a Matter

  • New Version added of a Document in a Matter

  • Deleted Document in a Matter

  • Deleted Multiple Document in a Matter


  • Edit cell

  • Delete cell

  • Add column

  • Delete column

  • Add row

  • Delete row


  • Changed Password

  • User signed in

  • User signed in unsuccessfully

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