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Dragon AI

Within Dragon AI, you will be able to choose your preferred method of extraction or generation.

Ciara Scott avatar
Written by Ciara Scott
Updated over 6 months ago

When you enter your new matter, the Dragon AI dialog will automatically open. Within this Generate dialog, you will be able to choose your preferred method of extraction or generation. You can access this dialog within your matter at any time by pressing the Dragon AI button.

In the Source dialog, all your files are selected by default. Tip: if you are working with extensive workflows that may exceed the AI feature's file processing limit, consider selecting fewer files at a time. This approach allows you to easily extract data points and effortlessly generate customized Find & Replace turnsheets using AI prompts.


By extracting placeholders, can automatically extract specific text from the documents you upload and add them to your turnsheet. Placeholders are identified by enclosing the desired text within square brackets for example [Company Name].


With data extraction, you can instruct Office & Dragons to build your turnsheet using custom prompts. This feature is particularly useful when you need to update specific details across a suite of documents.

To use data extraction, you can prompt the AI to extract a particular set of information. For example, if you want to extract all the company-specific details from a collection of documents, you can instruct the AI by using a prompt like "extract all company-specific details."

Note: this is an experimental feature currently in beta, and use may be subject to volume and rate limitations. Always thoroughly check the results produced by AI before applying them to your documents.


Toggling on footnotes in the Dragon AI dialog will identify and extract any footnotes present in your documents. These footnotes will be included in your turnsheet, allowing you to conveniently modify them as needed.

AI Turnsheet Generator

The AI Turnsheet Generator allows you to effortlessly generate customized Find & Replace turnsheets using AI prompts. This tool enables you to adapt and transform precedents, create reusable templates, and maintain control over your documents.

Note: To take advantage of the AI Turnsheet Generator and other AI features, administrators of your organization must first enable them. This can be done in the Settings section of your app. Navigate to Settings > Organization > Configurations > Dragon AI, and ensure that the desired AI features are enabled for your organization.

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