Most of our users collaborate with at least one other person when working on a matter in Office & Dragons, whether that's a colleague who is reviewing their work (or vice versa), a client from whom they are gathering information, or a counter-party they are negotiating terms with. O&D supports these and other kinds of collaboration with a permission system for members and guests, real-time updates, comments, and more.
Get started quickly by reviewing this quick overview on sharing and real-time collaboration, then take a look at this collection to learn a lot more.
Sharing workspaces and matters
When creating a new workspace or matter you'll have the choice to make it public (default) or private.
Public workspaces are automatically shared with everyone in your organization. A public matter is automatically shared with everyone who has access to the workspace.
Private workspaces and Private matters aren't shared with anyone by default. You have to invite collaborators explicitly by clicking one of the Share buttons in O&D.
You can invite additional collaborators to your workspace or matters by clicking one of the Share buttons in O&D.
Note: It's important when adding a matter collaborator that the new member must only sign up from the sharing email and not through the website.
Real-time collaboration
Office & Dragons is a fully real-time platform. That means that anything you do in O&D β creating a new matter, uploading files, typing in a turnsheet, creating new documents or versions, etc. β is visible right away to anyone you're sharing the relevant matter or workspace with.